Symphony X live @ Viper Theater – Florence – Italy – 5th march 2011
We are musicians, but first of all we love music! Symphony X influenced us in many ways, so we go to see their show every time they come to Italy.
In this early 2011, they’re hanging around with the “Power of Metal” tour together with Nevermore and Psychotic Walz; good bands, and a good opportunity to see them live. There were also two supporting bands, but we missed them because the ticket stated “gates open at 8pm” and they started playing at 6pm… well, don’t forget we’re in Italy, here these things happen frequently.
We drove for 350km to reach Florence and we got there just in time to see the Psychotic Walz show. I was very curious about them, I saw Devon Graves with Deadsoul Tribe @Progpower Europe back in 2002 and I really enjoyed the show. Psychotic Walz are not so easy-listening, but they played well, and Devon’s oniric vocal melodies gave a touch of magic to the music. Good one, thumbs up!
After them it was Nevermore‘s turn. I’m not so much in their music, but they played a very good live, too. Good sound, good groove, good mood! I wanted to see Jeff Loomis live, and I really liked his guitar style. I think I’ll listen to their music with more attention from now on.
Finally, it was time for Symphony X to begin!
They started with Of Sins and Shadows, and from the very beginning they literaly blew us away! The sound was incredible! I didn’t know that Michael Romeo is now using two ENGL heads on stage. I don’t like that much the ENGL sound, but I must admit that it suits him very well.
Symphony X’s set featured the heavier songs of their discography. They played (I don’t remember the exact order) Serpent’s Kiss, Domination, Set the World on Fire, Inferno and Smoke and Mirrors. The only “soft” one was Paradise Lost, played with such intensity it gave me goose bumps! They also played a couple of songs from the next album (which is going to be released in June), Iconoclast: End of Innocence and Dehumanized. The last one, in particular, was a killer tune. I really can’t wait to listen to the new album!
If you take a look on youtube, you can find a live version of Dehumanized from a Paris show. The audio is crappy (and I know the band doesn’t like bootlegs at all), but it’s really a great song, so here we go:
All the musicians were incredible! Astounding! Russell Allen, in particular, was in perfect shape! His powerful voice spaced from the highest to the lowest pitch in a very emotional way.
When the crowd screamed for more songs, Russ came again to celebrate Michael Romeo’s birthday with everyone, making him drink quite a whole Jack Daniel’s bottle! Happy b’day, Mike!!!
The show ended with two more songs: Eve of Seduction and Sea of Lies. An old glory, always perfect to end the gig.
I heard rumors that Symphony X will tour again next autumn supporting Iconoclast: we’ll be there again for sure!
Horns up!
EDIT: someone in the crowd recorded the video you all want to see: Mike’s birthday celebration! Enjoy it:
You still want more? Here we go with the “End of Innocence” live preview. Just like before, the audio is crappy, but I still can’t wait for the new album to come out!
Listen to our music!
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