Heavy metal songs: Fit to Die reviewed by Metalbite
Well well, here we are again with another great review!
Metalbite rated us 9.7!!!!
I’m glad the reviewer liked the cd but I’m even more happy that he has appreciated the concept. Yes, that’s because I wrote the lyrics! :):)
I can’t say if “Fit to Die” is an Album “to live”, anyway it’s a great compliment.
I can say I’m proud of what we did and I think it’s a good heavy metal Album.
Ok, let’s talk about the song number two: “Another Soul”.
As told in another comment, we were worried about the final result: during the reharsals there was something not convincing. Then, listening the mixing we’ve been surprised that the mood of the tune totally changed with the right arrangements:)
I tell you, it’s a great heavy metal song with nice power-prog parts, a thrashy verse and a very catchy refrain. It has many drums tempo changes but it’s very relaxing to play when the chorus opens. There’s also a fantastic melodic solo (I think Pablic did it…), probably my favourite of the entire Album.
I believe “Another Soul” is one of the best heavy metal song Gad had ever made because it contains in six minutes the essence of Future is Tomorrow music of that moment (The other one is “The Day of Retribution” but it’s 11 minutes long..:) ).
It would be cool to see one day one of our song in the Top 100 chart of the heavy metal music.. well, just dreaming. By now our job is to write good heavy metal songs and improve our songwriting album after album.
Horns up!
Listen to our music!
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