Heavy metal songs: Fit to Die reviewed by RockinSpain
A Spanish review from Rockinspain.es.
I remember we’ve been in Barcelona in 2007 and we played a couple of gigs with a local band called Criterium. Nice guys and we had good vibes during our stay.
I noticed that Spanish people love Heavy Metal, especially power metal. We are not one of those heavy bands who play like Helloween or Gamma Ray: we prefer mid-tempos or sometimes to accelerate with thrashy styles parts… A good example of mid-paced song is “Awakening the Ghosts”.
The song starts with a solid and granitic riff in Gad style, then flows to a nice melodic theme which introduces the first verse. To me the most interesting part is the middle of the song: dynamics go down and then there’s an ascending climax ’till the synthesizer explodes with its big sound.
I like to play that drum part because it has much groove to give and it’s not properly “Heavy Metal”:) I took the pattern from a funky exercise I usually do and modified it.
Listening to the song you can also hear some death metal backgroud vocals performed by “Ciardo”, singer of the death metal band Delirium X tremens.
Nice guy with an incredibly powerful voice!! Oh, don’t forget to listen to Delirium X tremens new Album: it’s a concept about stories on Belluno (Belo Dunum) and his landscapes. It’s very interesting, it took them 2 years to write it and it is pure heavy death metal music!!! They are so passionate about music and they have all our support!!
So, what can I say more? Remember that Future is Tomorrow are going to make a new Album, too: the title is yet to be decided, we’re arguing about “De Iure Belli” or “Jus ad Bellum”.
I can not wait to record them and play them live! Stay tuned!
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