Jazz drum kit for heavy metal drummers
Isn’t it an attractive headline for an article?! No?! Ok, I tried…
Well, I want to talk a little about my drumkit and what I think about metal drummers.
First of all I use a Tama Starclassic Performer: it has an aggressive sound and it’s perfect for Rock/Metal! In this particular case I choosed a drum birch wood because it gives a warmer sound, especially during the songs with low dynamics. I tried some Mapex drums too, and I found them amazing. During live gigs they have an incredible sound control (I think it was a Mapex Orion).
Perhaps I’m still in love with Tama and when I saw the “Performer” I made my choice.
I use only two toms: a 10” tom tom and a 16” floor tom. Base drum is 22”.
That’s the reason of the headline.
I like to study, and still I do, every kind of style: from funk, R&B, hip-hop to jazz and latin.
However I feel the best vibes when I’m playing hard rock. I grew up with bands like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Cream and then Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth. I have to say that my first love has been for The Beatles.
During a gig I tried a Dw Drum. A fantastic set and a very hot sound: the “problem” was that IMHO it didn’t fit to well with Heavy Metal. It hadn’t the same attack compared to Tama or Pearl.
I remember initially I didn’t like to much Pearl drums. Then a friend of mine bought the Master Custom series and let me play with it. Amazing and amusing!
But my choice had been already done…
Yeah, but why a small kit? It makes me focus on the groove!
Let me say that in my opinion I played too much in “Fit to Die”: there are too much fills and sometimes I can’t feel a strong base for the other instruments. Indeed I cannot wait to record the next album because I know well how to play the tunes and where to let flow my own style.
Anyway, it’s just an opinion.
I like to talk with drummers but many times we talk about drums brand or famous drummers: I prefer talking about what they feel playing a song, what they think of the drumming and what they want to communicate with it. Playing drums could be hard or easy, playing a song it’s another thing.
So, feel free to join the discussion!
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