Heavy metal songs: Fit to Die reviewed by ThePit
Hola amigos, finally I found it, the review from The Pit.de: we are one of the heaviest boy metal band!!!
Yes, this is the sentence because if we had to talk about a social analysis of death in modern society the sound should be dark and depressing. If you are not as written before, you are catchy, so you can’t play heavy metal songs.
I think that the focus could be in the word “expectations”: the concept is death, the setting a funeral and the main carachter is dead. This brings someone’s mind to think that the sound has to be death metal or even doom metal. Why? Expectations about personal tastes.
Very interesting, maybe one day I will write a concept on “Social analysis on the perception of reality”. Someone sees the front cover of the booklet, reads the main concept and then after the listening of the CD says:”Fuck, crappy power metal, melodic voices and catchy solos!!”An Album with those premises should not play like this. Yeah, perhaps. Or maybe not.
It ‘obvious that we can not please everyone and my opinion doesn’t want to be in any way a criticism of the review. In fact, I was amused. I took inspiration from it to give an idea of how generally we perceive many issues: are there other ways to communicate the same thing differently from how we perceive them? Yes, sure. Can we really see them? Very interesting, it’s easier to say this that to make it in practice.
Ok, I should talk about a review about an heavy metal band who plays heavy metal songs doing it in a power-prog way.
Now I’m thinking what could be the expectations about the sound of the new album: it’s about war, “Just war”. We won’t write death metal songs…maybe. But I can say it will be less power metal than “Fit to Die” from what I hear. Well, Gad can decide to write the last three pieces in an Avantasia‘s mood. I will kill him, indeed!
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